Ben Yeoh
Q: “What is your role in Z2O?”
Right now I’m a committee member and it’s a lot of work, but it’s fun.
I’m making sure venture directors are held accountable by our mentors and also creating a program to recruit and onboard new members. Brainstorming and creating new ideas is very gratifying while learning and receiving constructive criticism.
Q: “What was your most memorable experience/project/moment in Z2O?”
As for my favorite project, I would say the Mentor’s catalog was probably one of the most productive and favorite projects I’ve worked on. Working with Kim during the one-month trial was a really great time. We were a power duo. We diagnosed problems together while also coming up with several solutions. The task itself was pretty easy, but what made it better was having a fun partner to work with.
Q: “What is one of the main lessons you learned from Z2O?”
The idea of being a young organization means there are so many possibilities of what we can become. We don’t have anything to follow or a parent company, so currently, we’re under a lot of testing to see what works for this RSO. However, the main thing I get out of this is that you can’t be afraid of failure and to be flexible and adaptive. You have to put your ego down and learn from failures and be able to help solve the problems of student entrepreneurs.
Q: “What was your original motivation in joining Z2O? Has that changed now that you’re a part of this community?”
When I joined Z2O, I didn’t have big goals, but I just wanted to find an avenue to use my knowledge, make new friends, and honestly just have fun. I thought my background in psychology would be able to contribute to the outreach team in Zero2One, but throughout my time, my motivation for staying in Zero2One changed. Previously, I was more interested in the human resources side of psychology, but now I changed to becoming more interested in the biology side of Zero2One.
Q: “What’s your definition of success and how has Z2O contributed to that?”
For me, my idea of success when I was younger was making a lot of money. But now, it changed. At the end of your life, you want to be satisfied and happy with what you did. At any point in my life, if I know I did my best, that's success for me. I’m Chinese and grew up in a very traditional household, so they often told me I needed to become a doctor, lawyer, etc. However, I took the very unconventional route studying psychology, but I wanted to pursue my goals of studying behavior because that gives me happiness and satisfaction which also brings me closer to my goal of helping people through research on the healthcare industry.